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Welcome to Grams Counselling Services Inc.

...investing in you


How Counselling Helps

Research has well supported the vital link between our mind and body. You can not influence one without influencing the other.  Our socializations, events, thoughts, emotions, and values shape how we see ourselves, our world and our timelines. When we meet with ourselves, we set a powerful effect in motion: we direct our being and create change. 


People enter counselling at various stages in life. These different stages can be described as acute, investigative, and task-oriented. In acute stages, you experience a situation/event that interrupts life and often brings pain, grief, or even trauma. In investigative stages, you seek to better understand yourself in relation to life, others or events. In task-oriented stages, you have an identified goal and are actively working to develop a skill set to meet that goal.  These stages are not mutually exclusive and often overlap.


While we can not control events outside ourselves, we can find our strengths and authentic being by focusing on what we can control: our thoughts, our responses and our decisions. The intersection of ourselves with life creates experiences, and not always positive ones.


Counselling helps restore the functional intersection between you and life. At Grams Counselling Services Inc., I invite you to approach those intersections in your life. It may be an intersection with the past, one that pains you or overwhelms you. It may be an intersection with competing desires. It may also be an intersection with the future and what you hope for.


Experience how you can set a powerful precedent in your life: you can affect growth and change inward and outward. Because you matter! And you need to know that before any journey starts...

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