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Services & Fees

Initial Telephone Consult

To help identify if this is the right counselling fit for you, please call for a free 15-minute telephone consultation. We can review what you are looking for and how this service would help you in your goal.

Fees and Coverage

Individual counselling sessions are $140.00 CAD per 50-minute session. Fees are charged according to the recommended rates laid out by the BCACC. Counselling is considered a taxable service and GST is included in the fees for your convenience. Many counsellors are hopeful that mental health services will one day be covered under the Medical Services Plan (MSP). Currently, counselling is not covered under MSP but many extended health care plans do offer either full or partial coverage for mental health professionals. Check with your plan and inquire about their coverage for a registered clinical counsellor. At present, you will need to submit a receipt for services to receive reimbursement.


For when you prefer the comfort of your own space, want to minimize your travel time or need a "screen break", counselling over the telephone can be a good option.


A popular choice, virtual counselling is an option when you prefer to combine the comfort of your own space with a more "virtual office" feel. Your sessions are secure and encrypted using the Jane App platform technology. 


Often touted as the ideal format, "face-to-face" counselling is a great option for when you prefer the full in-person counselling experience and don't mind a scenic drive.   

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